Mobile Web Design that is Attractive and Functional for Users

Woman using the internet on her phone Mobile websites that are well designed, functional, and user-friendly have become a business necessity. While there is nothing to suggest that fully functional desktop websites will ever become obsolete, it is an established fact that web-users are accessing information online primarily via Smartphones, tablets, and other like devices.

Freytag Designs creates attractive mobile websites that are exceptional in their visual appeal. Mobile sites are designed to match the look and feel of your desktop website, as well as your overall brand. This ensures that your online presence, be it desktop or mobile, is cohesive and seamless to users regardless of the accessing device. However, we also know how important it is that mobile web design be practical for users and their devices. Therefore, when creating mobile websites, we place an emphasis on functionality.

Consider: Mobile devices do not all have the same screen size. Devices also use a variety of different web browsers. And mobile users have varied data plans that could limit how extensively they use their phones or other devices for internet access. These are just a few of the reasons why Freytag Designs takes a practical approach to mobile web design. Note a few best practices for good mobile-friendly design:

Mobile website user icon

If you are contemplating the creation of a mobile website, or need maintenance for an existing mobile site, contact Freytag Designs and see what we can do for you. Request a free quote online or call us directly at 541-393-2495.